Most of my more recent publications are available as preprints on PsyArXiv. If possible, the corresponding data and materials are available via OSF. If you need an individual copy of a publication or access to additional data and materials, please send me an email.
Why am I doing this anyway? A control-value perspective on boredom in endurance sports
original research
Development and validation of the Value of Physical Effort (VoPE) scale
preprint (peer-reviewed)
original research
scale development
Feeling politics at school: Antecedents and effects of emotions in civic education
journal article
original research
Latent profiles of effort functions and their impact on task experience and behavior
original research
On the specifics of valuing effort: A developmental and a formalized perspective on preferences for mental and physical effort
journal article
original research
Starting tests with easy versus difficult tasks: Effects on appraisals and emotions
journal article
original research
Measuring emotions in mathematics: The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire—Mathematics (AEQ-M)
journal article
scale development
Are older individuals predisposed to habitual control more resilient?
journal article
original research
Bored of sports? Investigating the interactive role of engagement and value as predictors of boredom in athletic training
journal article
original research
Control, anxiety and test performance: Self-reported and physiological indicators of anxiety as mediators
journal article
original research
Boredom is the root of all evil — or is it? A psychometric network approach to individual differences in behavioral responses to boredom
journal article
original research
scale development
The agonizing effects of uncertainty: Effects of announced vs. unannounced performance assessments on emotions and achievement
journal article
original research
Getting trapped in a dead end? Trait self-control and boredom are linked to goal adjustment
journal article
original research
A single item measure of self-control - Validation and location in a nomological network of self-control, boredom, and if-then planning
journal article
original research
scale development
Boredom proneness predicts self-assessed decision errors in sports but is unrelated to risk taking in general
journal article
original research
The AEQ-S: A short version of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire
journal article
scale development
Individual differences in if-then planning: Insights from the development and application of the If-Then Planning Scale (ITPS)
journal article
scale development
It’s not a bug, it’s boredom: Effortful willpower balances exploitation and exploration
journal article
Getting along and feeling good: Reciprocal associations between student-teacher relationship quality and students’ emotions
journal article
original research
Bursting balloons - Comparison of risk propensity between extreme sports, esports, and the general public
journal article
original research
Overclaiming is related to confidence but not to dark triad personality traits or stated and revealed risk preferences
journal article
original research
High trait self-control and low boredom proneness help COVID-19 homeschoolers
journal article
original research
Deliberation decreases the likelihood of expressing dominant responses
journal article
original research
A primer on the role of boredom in self-controlled sports and exercise behavior
journal article
literature review
Too bored for sports? Adaptive and less-adaptive latent personality profiles for exercise behavior
journal article
original research
scale development
Task duration and task order do not matter: No effect on self-control performance
journal article
original research
Effects of social value orientation (SVO) and decision mode on controlled information acquisition - A Mouselab perspective
journal article
original research
Implicit theories about athletic ability modulate the effects of if-then planning on performance in a standardized endurance task
journal article
original research
If-then plans help regulate automatic peer influence on impulse buying
journal article
original research
High boredom proneness and low trait self-control impair adherence to social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic
journal article
original research
Served well? A pilot field study on the effects of conveying self-control strategies on volleyball service performance
journal article
original research
More than planned: Implementation intention effects in non-planned situations
journal article
original research
Downregulation of anger by mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII)
journal article
original research
Increase in prefrontal cortex oxygenation during static muscular endurance performance is modulated by self-regulation strategies
journal article
original research
Social value orientation moderates the effects of intuition versus reflection on responses to unfair ultimatum offers
journal article
original research
Nothing will stop me? Flexibly tenacious goal striving with implementation intentions
journal article
original research
The benefit of no choice: Goal-directed plans enhance perceptual processing
journal article
original research
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